A brand by Foiwe

AI and Automation

This help businesses save time and resources by automating the process of reviewing and filtering user-generated content. Also  maintaining brand safety and compliance with community guidelines. 

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Manual - Human

Manual human moderation allows for a more nuanced and subjective review of content, where moderators can use their discretion to determine if certain content violates community guidelines or advertising policies.

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The hybrid approach allows businesses to take advantage of the speed and efficiency of automated moderation while also providing the benefits of manual human moderation

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Content Moderation

Effective content moderation is essential for creating a safe and positive online environment for users, while also protecting the platform or community from legal liabilities.

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Image Moderation

image moderation is crucial for protecting users from inappropriate content, maintaining community standards, and complying with legal requirements. 

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Video Moderation

video moderation is crucial for protecting users from inappropriate content, maintaining community standards, and complying with legal requirements.

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Text Moderation

text moderation is essential for protecting users from harmful content, maintaining community standards, and complying with legal requirements.

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Live Stream Moderation

live stream moderation is essential for protecting users from harmful content, maintaining community standards, and complying with legal requirements.

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Short Video Review

video moderation is essential for protecting users from harmful content, maintaining community standards, and complying with legal requirements.

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Image Moderation

Text Moderation

Video Moderation